Relaying a memorable Samhain experience has been a difficult challenge for me, as I have never really thought of Halloween in the Samhain light, as it were. This is the first year that I've even put an altar together for the season. So, in a way, I'm creating my first memorable Samhain experience as I go this year. I'm really enjoying the creation and maintenance of my altar, which is my fireplace and mantel. You wouldn't look at it and notice necessarily, it just looks like seasonal decorations: pumpkins, apples, candles, some flowers, and a small glass bottle of salt with a crystal prism on top. We have a large gilt mirror hanging above the mantel as well, which I think makes a nice focus. With a fire blazing away in the fireplace, it really is a magical sight.
Awesome alter. :) Off to add your post to the FB page.