Tuesday 19 October 2010

In which our heroine attempts to use less plastic...

A few weeks ago I made a pledge to cut down on my plastic usage, for as you may know, plastic is FOREVER.  Even more eternal than diamonds, and just a bit more toxic.  I realised most of what I was sending to the landfill was, well, plastic: packaging, bags, crappy cheap toys, and more packaging.  I've always recycled what I could, of course, but the amount that was just useless was amazing!  So, I've started making my own bread, switched from margarine to butter, stopped buying apple juice in plastic, and I'm buying my meat (not too much, mind) from the local butcher (he wraps in paper).  I've also been heading down to the local green grocer for veg, but even so, the cukes are still shrink wrapped.  I'm also planning on making my own cleaning products and soaps and shampoo. 

And still, the size of the task seems overwhelming!  Even with my plans to cook more from scratch, most everything seems to come in plastic, even the dried beans and lentils.  This weeks 5-bean chili was made from canned beans instead of dried.  I have been saving the net bags my onions and garlic come in (and collecting some really big ones from the local green grocer) to make reusable bags to buy veg in (instead of those flimsy plastic ones).  I'm hoping to make enough to sell on Etsy, along with a few other recycled goodies.

So, onwards and upwards my lovies!  Check out Fake Plastic Fish for some ideas and inspiration: http://fakeplasticfish.com/

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